I'm mthree. Those are my initials. Always have been, and thanks to a hubby with a "M" last name; always will be.

I've been a designer for over ten years, I was an animator and a filmmaker once, I was a bride before I was a photographer, I'm a new business owner, but I've always been an artist.

You can get a glimpse of where I've been, a better look at where I am and a peek at where I'm going right here.

You gotta S -T-R-E-T-C-H your browser window to see the BIG pictures...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kristen & Steve | Siblings

The way that Kristen and Steve found me and my photography is a bit round-about. Kristen was doing a research project for a class on small groups in a social studies class. Her focus was on brides and grooms. In that research she came across me and my blog, and has been a fan ever since. Then she had the idea to do a shoot with her brother as a birthday gift for her mom. And so, there we were on one of the truly last nice days of fall taking photos of these two siblings. I love it when people think this far ahead and put this much effort into surprises for others. How many Moms would LOVE up-to-date photos of their kids?

Kristen is in the middle of her college experience, and Steve is just a breath away from becoming an architect. I think nothing shows where they are at this moment as people than this shot:

Thanks for a fun afternoon guys and Happy Birthday to your Mom!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Oh my gosh - they just made their Mom one happy Mommy!!!

Wonderful photos!