I'm mthree. Those are my initials. Always have been, and thanks to a hubby with a "M" last name; always will be.

I've been a designer for over ten years, I was an animator and a filmmaker once, I was a bride before I was a photographer, I'm a new business owner, but I've always been an artist.

You can get a glimpse of where I've been, a better look at where I am and a peek at where I'm going right here.

You gotta S -T-R-E-T-C-H your browser window to see the BIG pictures...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Engagement | Nancy & Eric

Nancy and Eric met at a Halloween Party thrown by mutual friends. As Eric put it, a little "Captain" courage helped these two otherwise not-so-forward individuals come together. The ease with which they navigate the space between them and the comfort they have in the other's company was so nice to watch. They don't show their romance in an outward way, they just are. We had a great time on their shoot, full of laughter, giggles and style. Mad props to Eric for showing up in suit coat and pink tie, and to Nancy for the perfectly coordinated pink polka-dot shirt supremely acccented with just the right Tiffany's jewelry. They also brought me one of their invitations - I've never seen something so elegant with such a unique color combination. Like all good invitations, it just makes me look forward to their day even more.

Marriage had been a discussion, something they talked about, planned for. The date had been set for months, venues booked and plans put into motion. She had known from the moment she had met him that here in this man was her partner. That quiet comfort, that resolve, was what they cherished. More than romantic dinners, spins around a dance floor and candlelit evenings, was this feeling of belonging, of home. And yet, here she was, braving the winds on the deck of a cruise ship, hand tightly clasped in his. This brief moment alone, away from her parents and daughter who had also come on the trip was something to cherish she thought. He led her along the deck, looking out onto the vast ocean in front of them. So much unknown, he thought, and squeezed her hand tighter. There might be a lot of undiscovered moments in front of them, but of this moment he was sure. Pulling a ring out his pocket he turned to her, smiling. She gasped, smiled broader than she ever had before and whispered "yes!" as he slipped the ring on her finger, cementing the deal.

Check out the slideshow below. (As usual, those of you tuning in via blog readers have to click into the blog itself to see the slideshows)

1 comment:

Ardent Photography said...

I love your stuff!!!

we'll be able to hang out again soon at the David Jay seminar!!!
