I'm mthree. Those are my initials. Always have been, and thanks to a hubby with a "M" last name; always will be.

I've been a designer for over ten years, I was an animator and a filmmaker once, I was a bride before I was a photographer, I'm a new business owner, but I've always been an artist.

You can get a glimpse of where I've been, a better look at where I am and a peek at where I'm going right here.

You gotta S -T-R-E-T-C-H your browser window to see the BIG pictures...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Sad Day...

(image from google images)

It is a very sad day in the Michel house today, and well, pretty much anywhere my husband is. Brett Favre has announced his retirement today (coincidentally on the 4th) and hubby is in deep, deep mourning. Hubby is quite possibly one of the most dedicated Brett Favre fans there is and waking up to this news has not done well for his state of mind. I can't even describe how incredibly deflated he is. Here are some quotes of what he has said this morning (my husband, not Brett):

"I feel like my heart has been ripped out"

"This is very traumatic"

"He was my favorite football player since I was 12 years old! Now what?"

"Every Sunday I had Brett Favre as a constant - for 16 years! I am still going to watch the Packers though - that's my team."

"I don't handle change well"

I have tried a number of different things to say to him- none of it has worked. This is going to be a long day, and a longer football season. My Mother-in-Law, knowing of course of her son's devotion, has already texted me from her job trying to warn me about the retirement, and also to express her sympathies to me - obviously because she knows how Hubby is acting.
I don't think there will be any way to cheer hubby up today. For those of you outside of Wisconsin, this post likely seems quite melodramatic - all I can say is that it is a brutally honest account of what is going on. The news stations have been covering the retirement for about two hours now, completely ignoring regular programming. The only thing that trumps any news about the Packers or Brett Favre in this state would be maybe the death of a sitting president - I am not kidding about this.

If you are also suffering today from the loss of Brett Favre, my sympathies to you as well. Go Pack!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It's so sad. My condolences.