I'm mthree. Those are my initials. Always have been, and thanks to a hubby with a "M" last name; always will be.

I've been a designer for over ten years, I was an animator and a filmmaker once, I was a bride before I was a photographer, I'm a new business owner, but I've always been an artist.

You can get a glimpse of where I've been, a better look at where I am and a peek at where I'm going right here.

You gotta S -T-R-E-T-C-H your browser window to see the BIG pictures...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sugar Crash

Well, I didn't win the pumpkin contest. No big surprise - I knew there were going to be a lot of entries (627 actually). If you are interested in seeing who won and some of the other favorite entries - go here. Some of the ideas they show I had, but I guess I took the contest too seriously. Oh well, it was fun regardless.

Anyway, there is frost on the ground this morning and the halloween candy bowl is getting empty - so today is appropriately a Sugar Crash. Here are some rotting pumpkins (I saw while shooting my entry) to help usher out fall and bring on winter...

1 comment:

Darci said...

I am sorry you didn't win! I still think your picture is cool :)