I'm mthree. Those are my initials. Always have been, and thanks to a hubby with a "M" last name; always will be.

I've been a designer for over ten years, I was an animator and a filmmaker once, I was a bride before I was a photographer, I'm a new business owner, but I've always been an artist.

You can get a glimpse of where I've been, a better look at where I am and a peek at where I'm going right here.

You gotta S -T-R-E-T-C-H your browser window to see the BIG pictures...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Picture a Day

So, I've decided to challenge myself and carry my camera with me as much as possible, wherever I go. Everyone can always improve their skills, and I'm always telling my animation students that their artistic ability is a muscle they have to train, like an athlete would. While I sit here for several days editing and don't shoot anything, my photography muscle is getting atrophied! So, I'm going to post a picture a day on the blog. I'm sure I'll miss a day here or there, but hopefully setting up this little challenge for myself will force me to get up and go see something, even if it is only my backyard.

Today's picture was taken last weekend. It's a fairly accurate depiction of what hubby thinks of this idea.

Just kidding, he is very supportive. :0)

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